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TVA20 Build 2.1.12 is available

Version 2.1.12 of TVA20 is now available from the download page. This is a critical update, a serious bug limiting the number of total channels available is fixed. In addition some new features and bugfixes are in place. The changes are summarized below.

  • Online profile support. You may store your settings profile online and download to different computers, a neat way to keep TVA consistent between whereever you may use it.
  • New nice MSN-style alerts
  • Critical channel list bug fixed
  • Improved Vista compatibility
  • More channels will be available shortly; 109 all in all now… 🙂

Download and enjoy!

Showview codes

Good news and bad news… 😐

Showview codes are back, but for a selected set of channels only and occasionally for a limited selection of programs only. The selection of channels to include showview codes for is system limited at this time, but we are working on better solutions with this.

And also, some of the available showview codes are “best-fits”. That means that you may end up recording more than the program you’re interested in. Never the less, the complete program in question will be recorded. This may also cause multiple consecutive programs to get the same code. This is not a bug, but a known issue with the current ShowView code system.

And again, please report invalid codes or other bugs you may encounter… 🙂

TVA20 Build 2.1.11 is available

Version 2.1.11 of TVA20 is now available from the download page. This is a small update, fixing some minor, but annoying bugs. The changes are summarized below.

  • Fixed minimized startup bug and yet another version checking bug.
  • Fixed rare resource leak bug on failing updates
  • Fixed autosearch term bug: single word term enclosed in quotes would mess up the logic
  • Better window state across TVA restarts. Pane sizes are retained.
  • Improved GUI functionality for silent updates, i.e. updates without the progress dialog.
  • We’ve also added some more channels. 88 now, all in all.

And also, we now accept project donations through PayPal… 😉

Download and Enjoy!